Thursday, June 20, 2013

Where did the time go?

So I haven't posted in forever, mainly because my beloved laptop finally croaked and I honestly do not like the set up of hubby's so it took me a while to get the hang of it.  Now here I am months later wondering where the time has gone.  The plan is to start being more devoted to my little piece of the web from here on out, yet as we all happens.

So many changes have taken place since my last post.  Some good, some not so good, but we're still hanging tough.  We had a slight "Lifetime Movie" incident at my house last month which really changed hubby and my perspective on life and the people in our lives.  I can't really go into it all right now, but lets just say that we learned that you can't trust anyone...including those that you share blood with.

School is now out and as much I love spending my days with all the little people, it's nice to have an extended break to focus on my home, my family and myself.  We moved into our home 2 weeks after school began in September last year, so I've not had much time to decorate and make it "home".  I've spent this week getting our office and the master suite  organized.  It's amazing how much bigger the rooms are once you get rid of unnecessary shit, to which I have a ton of.  NOOO, I'm no where close to hoarder status, but I feel better now that I've dumped some stuff.  

With school out I've also started training (ha, using that term loosely) and eating better for my very first 5K.  It's in September and I know I can walk it, fat ass and all, but I want to try to run some of it.  I found the Pink Heals Color Rush and decided since I had "do a 5K" on my bucket list, I may as well start now.  Proceeds are going to support the wonderful pediatric cancer organization, Fairy Godmother Project.  This is one of those fun, wear white, finish color splattered type races.  I've even gotten family, friends and co-workers involved.  I must admit that I am really excited about this a hope that it leads to many more races in my future.  I figure not only will the running benefit others, it's benefiting health.  Lord knows I can stand to eat better and drop some poundage.  

Anyhoo, as usual I'm on a rambling roll...LOL.  Wouldn't be me if I weren't though.  Guess I'll bounce for now.  Have a date with my guys at the driving range tonight so better get a move on.  



Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday's Wrap-Up

T.G.I.F for sure, for sure!!
This has been one crazy week.  It’s funny how you can personally be having a pretty damn good week to only have the events around you effect the way you feel.  I mean, I griped earlier this week about the traffic…it sucked a BIG one every morning except today.  Thank you Jesus!!  Yet when you add on the tragedies in Boston, the tragedies in Texas, a suicide on the highway between my home and my job yesterday, and now the end to the Boston lock down, it’s been quite the roller coaster of emotions.  I don’t know if everyone is affected by things like this as I am, but hey, I’m very emotional.  I cried for days after the Sandy Hook tragedy in December.  Guess I can be thankful to have a compassionate heart, right?  I just feel drained, like I could crawl under my blanket and sleep for days, but I won’t. 

Now here it is 9P.M on Friday night and what am I doing? Surfing the net, checking Facebook, watching the live coverage from Boston and now blogging, pretty happenin’ night, huh?   Today was pretty good!  Friday’s always seem to go fast at work.  Between a long assembly, 3 specials, lunch, playground and the fact that today was not only ice cream day, but popcorn day too (it’s called raising money for the school)…by the time we knew it the day was over. Today we did say goodbye to one of our sweet little girls who is moving away.  It won’t be the same without T telling us every day “I like your shirt” or “You so cute”, but I know her new adventure is going to be a fun one for her family.  P played in a golf tournament today close to home, so it was great having him home early.  Especially since there was a wild storm that passed over us a few hours ago. The wind was blowing hella hard, to the point it sounded like pebbles hitting our garage door.  The power went off for a couple minutes and boy, was I glad to have gotten dinner ready early (I rarely do that).  Knowing my luck, had I NOT gotten it ready, we’d have been without power forever!!  I made a huge pot of chili and it was wonderful…as always....LOL!  Conceited much, nope just confident of my cooking skills.  Now P and I are sitting here side by side at the table with laptops open, me typing, him playing some soothing reggae.  God knows I love this man!! 

I am so proud of my little man T today!! He got straight A’s on his report card and will be recognized at an awards ceremony in a few weeks because of it. P and I will be leaving early from work that day.  I’m not missing that for anything!! K is continuing to struggling with Geometry and English.  This has been constant since the beginning of school, even with tutoring almost weekly.  Her schedule for next year will hopefully help her get back on the right track, as this year has been more down than up as far as her grades go.  She really wants to be a nurse when she finishes school, so we are constantly reminding her that she HAS to get her grades up.  Sadly we are now at the last 9 weeks of the school year and there’s no coming back from it at this point, this school year.

On that note….this ramble is long enough.
