School is now out and as much I love spending my days with all the little people, it's nice to have an extended break to focus on my home, my family and myself. We moved into our home 2 weeks after school began in September last year, so I've not had much time to decorate and make it "home". I've spent this week getting our office and the master suite organized. It's amazing how much bigger the rooms are once you get rid of unnecessary shit, to which I have a ton of. NOOO, I'm no where close to hoarder status, but I feel better now that I've dumped some stuff.
With school out I've also started training (ha, using that term loosely) and eating better for my very first 5K. It's in September and I know I can walk it, fat ass and all, but I want to try to run some of it. I found the Pink Heals Color Rush and decided since I had "do a 5K" on my bucket list, I may as well start now. Proceeds are going to support the wonderful pediatric cancer organization, Fairy Godmother Project. This is one of those fun, wear white, finish color splattered type races. I've even gotten family, friends and co-workers involved. I must admit that I am really excited about this a hope that it leads to many more races in my future. I figure not only will the running benefit others, it's benefiting health. Lord knows I can stand to eat better and drop some poundage.
Anyhoo, as usual I'm on a rambling roll...LOL. Wouldn't be me if I weren't though. Guess I'll bounce for now. Have a date with my guys at the driving range tonight so better get a move on.