Friday, April 12, 2013

AJ's Adventures in Blogging

Welcome to my little piece of the web!!  Obviously this is my very first post and considering the fact that I'm pretty random all the time, I'm pretty sure that by the end of this post I'll have done a bit of rambling for your reading pleasure. (Yes, I get distracted by shiny things and then pick up where I left off after talking about said shiny things.)

I've always loved to write, but as we all know, life gets in the way  sometimes.  Growing up, I constantly kept journals that I filled with poetry, short stories and my every day brain babbles.  I even had a few pieces published in small literary magazine when I was in high school. I probably could have gone on to college and had a career in Journalism, but life happens and sometimes things don't work out the way that we plan.  No regrets though, only life lessons.

See...I wouldn't be me if I weren't rambling.  Let me take a moment or two to share with a bit about myself and my life.  First of all...this is me..Kinda wacky, kinda crazy, but always real.
I'm a 37 year old wife and working mom who is honestly still trying to figure out what it is that I truly want to do with my life.  I've been married to my wonderful husband P for 10.5 years now.  We were both married one time before and have 4 children between us ranging from 11-18.  We also have furkids, 2 cats (Jinxy and Tigga) and our Min-Pin, Chibi.
We live in Virginia and just recently purchased our very first home.  We are truly blessed!! P and I both work for the government, though his job is much more stressful than mine.  I get to spend my days working with Kindergarteners...and I love it!!  I love cooking, crafts, reading, watching movies, traveling, tattoos, wine, reggae, Pintrest (who doesn't) and lots more.  I am a very high strung person and I must admit that I worry way too much.  I know, I know...worry leads to stress and stress kills.  I hear that all the time and really am trying to get that under control.

OKAY! So I'm thinking that I've probably rambled long enough for a first post.  I'm not sure exactly where I plan to go with this little slice of Heaven, but I hope you'll join me for more adventures in randomness. 


Have a Great Weekend!!

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